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Songwriter and melodist

The Journey:

Stevens J Soucy was born in Quebec, in the town of Baie-Comeau on the North Shore. Very young, at the age of nine, he began to learn music by taking organ, singing and music theory lessons at his local music school with Madame Auger. When he was 21, he bought his first electric guitar as a gift. This favorite instrument inspired him to write texts and compose music. This daring artist honed his writing skills by learning the acoustic guitar on his own.

This go-getter and willful side of his personality also developed while he played football for the Vikings team at the Des Baies high school in Baie-Comeau, and then at the AAA college level for the Diablos of the Trois-Rivieres’s College.

In 1990, he left Quebec for British Columbia and settled in Vancouver to learn English. In his need to express himself and to externalize himself, he pursues the development of writing texts, the musical composition of his music and even the interpretation of his own songs. In 1994, he even took singing lessons at Capilano College & University – in North Vancouver British Columbia.

A tireless and constantly growing artist, he combines writing workshops and song contests. Between 1998 and 2000, he enrolled in the “Ateliers de la chanson” of the Centre Francophone of Vancouver and participated in the song contest in the “Author, Composer and Performer” category at the Gala de la chanson de Vancouver. In July ‘99, he participated in the Festival francophone de Vancouver, in a duet with his friend and accomplice Dany Savard in the first part of the show with the group Corback, whom was passing through Vancouver. In June 2000, he was on the Jessy Award lineup as a songwriter and composer at the “Small Theater” in the play “One Way” in addition to being nominated for his music composed for the play.

In July of the same year, he released his first album of 12 original creations entitled “Le Sang Vibrant”. This first opus, without the desired commercial success, failed to curb his creative spirit and his passion for music and composition.

After his return to Quebec in 2016 with his wife, he and his soul mate, whom she affectionately calls “My Romeo”, revived the music with the posting of songs from his CD on Facebook and Youtube (Epic Fail ). This idea of ​​sharing allowed him to envision a new facet of his artistic career and gave birth to Rockmeo, the author, the composer and the melodist.

Writing for others:

Stevens J Soucy (Rockmeo) has been writing original music for 35 years. He has always been keen to share his writing ideas with his peers. As long as he composes melodies and songs, in French as well as in English, this bilingual artist could well share it with others and why not, make a living from his art and approach performers and publishing houses with a view to the licensing of its music. Through his love of music, the songwriter wishes to introduce and share his imaginary world.

Music… a natural caregiver!

The too many months that have passed since March 2020 have turned out to be rather trying for any human being, here as elsewhere in the world. In the pandemic situation experienced internationally, music and creation were lifesaving for artists as well as for the population as a whole. The need for entertainment has become paramount for all human beings and, for artists, the need for creation has become crucial. There are many reasons for the presence of music and songs in our lives. The need to be entertained, just like the need to dream, are all clues that justify the presence, even the omnipresence of music in our lives.

This is love in all souls
It is to be brother and sister in
Hearts of unknown and infinite avenues
Is to be friends in spirit In a united kingdom.”

Lighthouse, songwriter Rockmeo

Rockmeo… author, composer and melodist for singer / songwriter, soundtrack for films, commercials or shows.

With its vision of writing on various topical subjects, Rockmeo wishes to make available for sale its copyright (Licenses) of its music in Quebec, Canada and internationally. His creations are now available for performers at home and abroad, for the film industry, short and feature films, for commercials, television and digital shows.

As a long-distance runner, this artist desires nothing less than to become the inspiration for the arts community, a “Power House” in the “Entertainment industry”.

Rockmeo’s purpose is based on the positive thinking found in his songs. He brings a positive and hopeful outlook on contemporary life as a soothing and reassuring comfort to each of us. He firmly believes that music meets an essential need. Hers wants to be a gentle, even captivating accompanist. He feeds his imagination in the news, always listening to what the world around him is going through.

“O, I believe
In the sweetness of your soul
At all the times we cry
To console you
To comfort you “

Je Crois (I believe fr song) Rockmeo songwriter

He dips his pen in current or imaginary subjects that allow for positive reflection, such as slices of life, perceptions, facets of today’s life that comfort us with our daily lives.

Creative and passionate, Rockmeo wishes to give free rein to his imagination through his music and his words which are meant to be honest, authentic and accessible. If you want to share his message through your voice, his creations are now available.