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Don’t be a fool

Don’t be a fool
Une chanson comme un hymne à la prudence, au respect de la vie, à l’importance du vivre ensemble. Une chanson écrite et pensé pour un film ou une publicité qui traite d’un ennemi bien réel mais invisible comme la situation de pandémie de la COVID-19. La seule arme pour chacun de nous est de demeurer uni, prendre soin de soi et de l’autre pour aspirer à un avenir et retrouver notre liberté. 
«  … Don’t be a fool
Behave yourself
Stay home
To respect your life
And the ones of the guardian angels…»
Artwork © Cory Van Ieperen

We are all looking at the sunshine
From the window thru the rainbow
Paralyzed in the moment
Wondering when will it ends

Todays freedom has been shaken
To the ground, the core of who we are
If you love someone
Tell them to stay home
In the safe zone
With the rainbow

Don’t be a fool
Behave yourself
Stay home
The enemy will be fold to rest

Don’t be a fool
Behave yourself
Stay home
To respect your life
And the ones of the guardian angels

Battling on the front line
An enemy with no mercy
Tears in the eyes don’t have time to dry
When love, care and sorrow
Bring the love ones to the ground
Without saying goodbye
For the last time
We love you

Don’t be a fool
Behave yourself
Stay home
The enemy will be fold to rest

Don’t be a fool
Behave yourself
Stay home
To respect your life
And those on the battlefield

The wave of this war is to be united
And stand still to be free again
To see the rainbow from the outside walls
To feel the love from the inside out
With a new point of view on freedom