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Allow Me To Be With You Tonight

Allow me to be with you tonight
Une chanson sur l’amour interdit, le moment où on ose dire les choses, avouer tout haut le souhait d’être avec l’autre, serait-ce que pour un soir. Créer et profiter secrètement d’un moment suave, en complicité, pour expérimenter quelque chose de nouveau et à la fois tellement beau, essentiel et en synchronicité. 
« …Allow me to feel free with you tonight
I’m just like you, you know what I have in mind
Allow me to print this moment in time
I’m Just like you, you know what I have in mind…»
Artwork © Cory Van Ieperen

Allow me to be with you tonight
Under the same wave of emotions
Allow me to be with you tonight
To feel myself in this moment in time

Its sounds like we can make it wild
Just a little bit of me on the wild side
For that reason
I feel the softness in your eyes

Allow me to feel free with you tonight
I’m just like you, you know what I have in mind
Allow me to print this moment in time
I’m Just like you, you know what I have in mind

Its sounds like we can make it wild
Just a little bit of me on the wild side
For that reason
I feel the softness in your eyes

I’m terrified I have something inside
That hold me back
At the same time
I feel secured, ready to conquer
I’m paralyzed I have something inside
That hold me back
At the same time
I feel secured, ready to conquer

Its sounds like we can make it wild
Just a little bit of me on the wild side
For that reason
I feel the softness in your eyes
Under the same wave of emotions

Allow Me to be with you tonight